Love has no religion, sex, color or border.
Love is a sharing between two beings who have common and individual values at the same time, two people who decide to form one. Two individuals who decide to spend their lives together regardless of their cultural, religious or sexual differences, but on the contrary, will know how to make it an indestructible force for their union.
It is all these differences that create a diverse world, it is this sharing and this mixture of cultures that builds a living, enriching and culturally interesting world.
Couples who decide to unite despite the disagreements or rejection of their respective families, the eyes of others (you know the right-thinkers who always have an opinion on everything…), have a strength and links that are sometimes much stronger than others.
In making this decision to unite and form a family, they must face real life difficulties, whether administrative, medical, cultural or religious. But it is by following their path, their choice, that they know how to remain strong against all.
Loving each other “differently” is not easy. On the contrary, because you must constantly “justify yourself” for something that is personal to you.
I find it really sad, a pity and unfair to still have to be there in 2023. Why do mentalities not move faster, why do we have to highlight “differences” that should no longer be?
I have always campaigned for every person who loves himself and are free to do so without having to give explanations. I advocate for marriage for all because it comes to it becoming normal and not on the margins anymore.
I would like all these barriers to disappeat, and all these differences to be highlighted only to share cultures, traditions, know-how and not to stay in a climate of individualism or sometimes even hatred.
June is the month of PROUD, the month of PRIDE ( cf Pride Parade ), we are forced to go through it to hope that soon everyone will be proud to be what they are and proud to be able to unite with whom they want without having to demonstrate for.
I want colorful weddings of Love
I want marriages of Love with traditions that mix and become one.
I want marriages of Love that unite families who will learn from each other.
I simply want love marriages…
Wedd’in is an agency that has egalitarian values, sharing values.
These values are what make our common strength.
When a couple comes to see me to tell me about their marriage plan, I need to feel this desire to go far together, to feel that they will know how to face the vagaries of life.
Whether in the organization of the wedding or in the writing of a ceremony, I must be able to understand what unites them for life, what is their engine, their values and their desires.
Whether we are talking about heterosexual, gay, mixed marriage or a remarriage, Love remains the first of values, the strongest, the indestructible. It is Love that will help you always go further and surpass yourself together.
Sexuality, religion or origins do not matter when we love the other, we do not choose ourselves because of one of these criteria but because of a strong feeling that attracts us to each other.
There is nothing more beautiful than a wedding, a ceremony in which emotions are such that the entourage comes to forget these “differences” that could sometimes disturb them.
I know that we do not live in a world of Bisounours, but mentalities must change, times must change and things that seem “different” to us must finally become “normal”.
Let’s love each other as we are and life will only be much easier.